Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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April 14, 2015

Dear All

Welcome to the refurbished site of the Reserve Bank of India.

The two most important features of the site are: One, in addition to the default site, the refurbished site also has all the information bifurcated functionwise; two, a much improved search – well, at least we think so but you be the judge.

With this makeover, we also take a small step into social media. We will now use Twitter (albeit one way) to send out alerts on the announcements we make and YouTube to place in public domain our press conferences, interviews of our top management, events, such as, town halls and of course, some films aimed at consumer literacy.

The site can be accessed through most browsers and devices; it also meets accessibility standards.

Please save the url of the refurbished site in your favourites as we will give up the existing site shortly and register or re-register yourselves for receiving RSS feeds for uninterrupted alerts from the Reserve Bank.

Do feel free to give us your feedback by clicking on the feedback button on the right hand corner of the refurbished site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Department of Communication

Reserve Bank of India




Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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April 14, 2015

Dear All

Welcome to the refurbished site of the Reserve Bank of India.

The two most important features of the site are: One, in addition to the default site, the refurbished site also has all the information bifurcated functionwise; two, a much improved search – well, at least we think so but you be the judge.

With this makeover, we also take a small step into social media. We will now use Twitter (albeit one way) to send out alerts on the announcements we make and YouTube to place in public domain our press conferences, interviews of our top management, events, such as, town halls and of course, some films aimed at consumer literacy.

The site can be accessed through most browsers and devices; it also meets accessibility standards.

Please save the url of the refurbished site in your favourites as we will give up the existing site shortly and register or re-register yourselves for receiving RSS feeds for uninterrupted alerts from the Reserve Bank.

Do feel free to give us your feedback by clicking on the feedback button on the right hand corner of the refurbished site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Department of Communication

Reserve Bank of India




Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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April 14, 2015

Dear All

Welcome to the refurbished site of the Reserve Bank of India.

The two most important features of the site are: One, in addition to the default site, the refurbished site also has all the information bifurcated functionwise; two, a much improved search – well, at least we think so but you be the judge.

With this makeover, we also take a small step into social media. We will now use Twitter (albeit one way) to send out alerts on the announcements we make and YouTube to place in public domain our press conferences, interviews of our top management, events, such as, town halls and of course, some films aimed at consumer literacy.

The site can be accessed through most browsers and devices; it also meets accessibility standards.

Please save the url of the refurbished site in your favourites as we will give up the existing site shortly and register or re-register yourselves for receiving RSS feeds for uninterrupted alerts from the Reserve Bank.

Do feel free to give us your feedback by clicking on the feedback button on the right hand corner of the refurbished site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Department of Communication

Reserve Bank of India




Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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November 22, 2021

All Regional Rural Banks


Inclusion in/exclusion from the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 – Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)

We advise that the name of Baroda UP Bank has been included to and names of three erstwhile Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) have been excluded from the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, by notification DOR.Rur.S1765/31.04.002/2021-22 dated October 12, 2021 published in the Extraordinary Gazette of India (Part III – Section 4) dated November 12, 2021.

2. Copy of the above notification DOR.Rur.S1765/31.04.002/2021-22 dated October 12, 2021 is enclosed.

Yours faithfully,

(Neeraj Nigam)
Chief General Manager-in-Charge
Encl: as above


October 12, 2021


In exercise of the powers conferred under clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (6) of section 42 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (hereinafter referred to as “the RBI Act”), the Reserve Bank of India, hereby, directs the exclusion of the Regional Rural Banks indicated below at column no. [A] from the second schedule of the RBI Act and the inclusion of the Regional Rural Bank indicated below at column no. [B] in the second schedule of the RBI Act.

Name of the erstwhile Regional Rural Banks
Name of new Regional Rural Bank
Baroda Uttar Pradesh Gramin Bank Baroda UP Bank, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank
Purvanchal Bank

(Jayant Kumar Dash)
Executive Director



Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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November 16, 2021

All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including all Small Finance Banks & all Payments Banks),
Local Area Banks &
All Primary Urban Cooperative Banks

Madam/Dear Sir,

Regulations Review Authority (RRA 2.0) – Interim Recommendations – Withdrawal of Redundant Circulars

Please refer to the Press Release dated November 16, 2021 issued on the captioned subject.

2. The circulars listed in the Annexure are withdrawn with effect from close of business today.

Yours faithfully,

(Ajay Kumar Choudhary)
Chief General Manager-in- Charge

Encl: As enclosed


S. No. Circular Referred Date Subject Effective date of Supersession/withdrawal Circular No. vide which Superseded
1 DBOD.No.APP.BC.118/C.452(K)-89 April 22, 1989 Appointment of Statutory (Central / Branch) Auditors as Internal Auditors of Banks December 31, 2008 DBS.ARS.No.BC.02/08.91.001/2008-09
2 DBOD.No.BC.182/16.13.100/93-94 October 11, 1993 Introduction of a System of Concurrent Audit in Banks as Recommended by the Ghosh Committee on Frauds and Malpractices in Banks August 14, 1996 DOS.No.BC.16/08.91.021/96
3 DOS.No.BC.16/08.91.021/96 August 14, 1996 Concurrent Audit System in Commercial Banks – Revision of RBI’s Guidelines July 15, 2015 DBS.CO.ARS.No.BC.2/08.91.021/2015-16
4 DBS.BC.33/08.91.021/1999-2000 April 6, 2000 Guidelines relating to Concurrent Audit System in Commercial Banks July 15, 2015 DBS.CO.ARS.No.BC.2/08.91.021/2015-16
5 DBS.ARS.No.599/08.91.001/2002-03 January 21, 2003 Terms and Conditions of Appointment of Statutory/Concurrent/Internal Auditors – Implementation of the Recommendations of the Committee on Legal Aspects of Bank Frauds and the Recommendations of the High-Level Group set up by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) August 27, 2004 DBS.ARS.No.B.C.4/08.91.001/2004-05
6 DBS.ARS.No.BC.18/08.91.021/2002-03 June 24, 2003 Concurrent Audit of Forex Transactions in Banks July 15, 2015 DBS.CO.ARS.No.BC.
7 DBS.ARS.No.BC.7/08.92.001/2003-04 March 17, 2004 Remuneration Payable to the Statutory Central and Branch Auditors of Public Sector Banks from the year 2003-04 June 6, 2007 DBS.ARS.No.BC.08/08.92.001/2006-07
8 DBS.ARS.No.BC.09/08.91.001/2003-04 April 20, 2004 Appointment of Statutory Auditors in Banks – Obtention of Declaration of Indebtedness January 6, 2005 DBS.ARS.No.B.C.15/08.91.001/2004-05
9 DBS.ARS.No.BC.08/08.92.001/2006-07 June 6, 2007 Remuneration Payable to the Statutory Central and Branch Auditors of Public Sector Banks from the year 2006-07 June 25, 2013 DBS.ARS.No.BC.08/08.92.001/2012-13
10 DBS.ARS.BC.No.3/08.92.001/2007-08 July 25, 2007 Remuneration Payable to the Statutory Central and Branch Auditors of Public Sector Banks from the Year 2006-07 June 25, 2013 DBS.ARS.No.BC.08/08.92.001/2012-13
11 DBS.ARS.BC. No.07/08.92.001/2007-08 December 20, 2007 Remuneration Payable to the Statutory Central and Branch Auditors of Public Sector Banks from the Year 2006-07 June 25, 2013 DBS.ARS.No.BC.08/08.92.001/2012-13
12 DBS.ARS.BC.No.09/08.92.001/2009-10 December 31, 2009 Remuneration Payable to the Statutory Central and Branch Auditors of Public Sector Banks from the year 2006-07 June 25, 2013 DBS.ARS.No.BC.08/08.92.001/2012-13
13 DBS.CO.ARS.BC.8/08.91.001/2014-15 June 4, 2015 Submission of Long Form Audit Report (LFAR) by Concurrent Auditors January 7, 2021 Norms on eligibility, empanelment and appointment of Statutory Branch Auditors in Public Sector Banks from the year 2020-21 and onwards
July 15, 2015 Concurrent Audit System in Commercial Banks – Revision of RBI’s Guidelines September 18, 2019 DBS.CO.ARS.No.BC.01/08.91.021/2019-20
15 UBD.BPD(PCB).Cir.No.
March 1, 2012 Supervisory Action Framework for Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs) November 27, 2014 DCBR.BPD.(PCB).Cir No.3/12.05.001/2014-15
16 UBD.CO.BPD(PCB).Cir.No.
October 17, 2012 Supervisory Action Framework (SAF) for Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs) November 27, 2014 DCBR.BPD.(PCB).Cir No.3/12.05.001/2014-15



Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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April 14, 2015

Dear All

Welcome to the refurbished site of the Reserve Bank of India.

The two most important features of the site are: One, in addition to the default site, the refurbished site also has all the information bifurcated functionwise; two, a much improved search – well, at least we think so but you be the judge.

With this makeover, we also take a small step into social media. We will now use Twitter (albeit one way) to send out alerts on the announcements we make and YouTube to place in public domain our press conferences, interviews of our top management, events, such as, town halls and of course, some films aimed at consumer literacy.

The site can be accessed through most browsers and devices; it also meets accessibility standards.

Please save the url of the refurbished site in your favourites as we will give up the existing site shortly and register or re-register yourselves for receiving RSS feeds for uninterrupted alerts from the Reserve Bank.

Do feel free to give us your feedback by clicking on the feedback button on the right hand corner of the refurbished site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Department of Communication

Reserve Bank of India




Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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DCM (Admin) No.S472/19.01.010/2021-22

November 16, 2021

The Chairman / Managing Director
The Chief Executive Officer
All Banks

Madam / Dear Sir,

Withdrawal of Obsolete Regulatory Circulars/ Instructions – Interim Recommendations of the Regulations Review Authority 2.0

Please refer to the Press Release on Interim Recommendations of the Regulations Review Authority (RRA) 2.0 dated November 16, 2021.

2. A comprehensive review of the circulars issued by the Department of Currency Management was undertaken as part of the rationalisation exercise under RRA 2.0 and as per recommendations of the RRA, the regulatory instructions / circulars listed in the Annex stand withdrawn with immediate effect.

Yours faithfully,

(Suman Ray)
Chief General Manager-in-Charge

Encl: As above


List of Circulars withdrawn with effect from November 16, 2021

S. No Circular Referred Date Subject
1 DCM.NPDA.No.688/09.39.00/2001-02 March 22, 2002 Presence of chest representatives at the time of examination of soiled notes in the Reserve Bank
2 DCM.(NPD).No.G30/09.39.00/2001-02 March 23, 2002 Incentive for improving service to non- chest branches
3 DCM.(NPDA).No.G-1/09.39.00/2002-03 July 05, 2002 Presence of chest representatives at the time of examination of soiled notes in the Reserve Bank
4 DCM.(NPD).No.G-9/09.39.00/2002-03 September 23, 2002 Incentive for improving service to non- chest branches – Clarification
5 DCM.(Plg).No.982/10.87.05/2002-03 December 20, 2002 Clean Note Policy
6 DCM.(NPD).No.317/09.39.00/2003-04 October 11, 2003 Clean Note Policy – Banding of Note Packets- Use of stickers, etc
7 DCM.(NPD).No.402/09.39.00/2004-05 February 22, 2005 Clean Note Policy- Sorting of Banknotes
8 DCM(CD)No.816/04.36.03/2005-06 July 25, 2005 Computerization of Currency Chest Operations
9 DCM.(NPD).No.6316/09.40.02/2006-07 March 09, 2007 Incentive for improving service to non- chest branches



Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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April 14, 2015

Dear All

Welcome to the refurbished site of the Reserve Bank of India.

The two most important features of the site are: One, in addition to the default site, the refurbished site also has all the information bifurcated functionwise; two, a much improved search – well, at least we think so but you be the judge.

With this makeover, we also take a small step into social media. We will now use Twitter (albeit one way) to send out alerts on the announcements we make and YouTube to place in public domain our press conferences, interviews of our top management, events, such as, town halls and of course, some films aimed at consumer literacy.

The site can be accessed through most browsers and devices; it also meets accessibility standards.

Please save the url of the refurbished site in your favourites as we will give up the existing site shortly and register or re-register yourselves for receiving RSS feeds for uninterrupted alerts from the Reserve Bank.

Do feel free to give us your feedback by clicking on the feedback button on the right hand corner of the refurbished site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Department of Communication

Reserve Bank of India




Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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April 14, 2015

Dear All

Welcome to the refurbished site of the Reserve Bank of India.

The two most important features of the site are: One, in addition to the default site, the refurbished site also has all the information bifurcated functionwise; two, a much improved search – well, at least we think so but you be the judge.

With this makeover, we also take a small step into social media. We will now use Twitter (albeit one way) to send out alerts on the announcements we make and YouTube to place in public domain our press conferences, interviews of our top management, events, such as, town halls and of course, some films aimed at consumer literacy.

The site can be accessed through most browsers and devices; it also meets accessibility standards.

Please save the url of the refurbished site in your favourites as we will give up the existing site shortly and register or re-register yourselves for receiving RSS feeds for uninterrupted alerts from the Reserve Bank.

Do feel free to give us your feedback by clicking on the feedback button on the right hand corner of the refurbished site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Department of Communication

Reserve Bank of India




Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.18

November 16, 2021

All Authorised Persons

Madam / Sir,

Regulations Review Authority (RRA 2.0) – Interim Recommendations – Withdrawal of Circular

Attention of Authorised Dealer Category-I (AD Category-I) banks is invited to the announcement on setting up of a new Regulations Review Authority (RRA 2.0), vide press release dated April 15, 2021 and the publication of the interim recommendations of the RRA 2.0, vide press release dated November 16, 2021.

2. As part of the implementation of the interim recommendations of the RRA 2.0, the A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.6 dated July 16, 2015 on Foreign Investment in India by Foreign Portfolio Investors is withdrawn with immediate effect.

3. The Directions contained in this circular have been issued under sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999) and are without prejudice to permissions/ approvals, if any, required under any other law.

Yours faithfully

(Dimple Bhandia)
Chief General Manager



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