Tokenisation – Card Transactions: Permitting Card-on-File Tokenisation (CoFT) Services


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September 07, 2021

All Payment System Providers and Payment System Participants

Madam / Dear Sir,

Tokenisation – Card Transactions: Permitting Card-on-File Tokenisation (CoFT) Services

We invite reference to our circular DPSS.CO.PD No.1463/02.14.003/2018-19 dated January 8, 2019 on “Tokenisation – Card transactions”, permitting authorised card networks to offer card tokenisation services subject to the conditions listed therein. Initially limited to mobile phones and tablets, this facility was subsequently extended to laptops, desktops, wearables (wrist watches, bands, etc.), Internet of Things (IoT) devices, etc., vide our circular CO.DPSS.POLC.No.S-469/02-14-003/2021-22 dated August 25, 2021 on “Tokenisation – Card Transactions : Extending the Scope of Permitted Devices”.

2. Reference is also invited to our circulars DPSS.CO.PD.No.1810/02.14.008/2019-20 dated March 17, 2020 (as updated from time to time) and CO.DPSS.POLC.No.S33/02-14-008/2020-2021 dated March 31, 2021 on “Guidelines on Regulation of Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways”, advising that neither the authorised Payment Aggregators (PAs) nor the merchants on-boarded by them shall store customer card credentials [also known as Card-on-File (CoF)].

3. On a review of the tokenisation framework and to enable cardholders to benefit from the security of tokenised card transactions as also the convenience of CoF, it has been decided to effect the following enhancements –

  1. Extend the device-based tokenisation1 framework referred to at paragraph 1 above to CoF Tokenisation (CoFT) as well.

  2. Permit card issuers to offer card tokenisation services as Token Service Providers2 (TSPs).

  3. The facility of tokenisation shall be offered by the TSPs only for the cards issued by / affiliated to them.

  4. The ability to tokenise3 and de-tokenise card data shall be with the same TSP.

  5. Tokenisation of card data shall be done with explicit customer consent requiring Additional Factor of Authentication (AFA) validation by card issuer.

  6. Additional requirements relating to CoFT are listed in the Annex.

4. Further, in the interest of cIarity, the following points may be noted –

  1. With effect from January 1, 2022, no entity in the card transaction / payment chain, other than the card issuers and / or card networks, shall store the actual card data. Any such data stored previously shall be purged.

  2. For transaction tracking and / or reconciliation purposes, entities can store limited data – last four digits of actual card number and card issuer’s name – in compliance with the applicable standards.

  3. Complete and ongoing compliance with the above by all entities involved, shall be the responsibility of the card networks.

5. This directive is issued under Section 10 (2) read with Section 18 of Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 (Act 51 of 2007).

Yours faithfully,

(P. Vasudevan)
Chief General Manager


(CO.DPSS.POLC.No.S-516/02-14-003/2021-22 dated September 07, 2021)

Conditions to be fulfilled for offering CoFT services

1. For the purpose of CoFT, the token shall be unique for a combination of card, token requestor and merchant4.

2. If card payment for a purchase transaction at a merchant is being performed along with the registration for CoFT, then AFA validation may be combined.

3. The merchant shall give an option to the cardholder to de-register the token. Further, a token requestor having direct relationship with the cardholder shall list the merchants in respect of whom the CoFT has been opted through it by the cardholder; and provide an option to de-register any such token.

4. A facility shall also be given by the card issuer to the cardholder to view the list of merchants in respect of whom the CoFT has been opted by her / him, and to de-register any such token. This facility shall be provided through one or more of the following channels – mobile application, internet banking, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or at branches / offices.

5. Whenever a card is renewed or replaced, the card issuer shall seek explicit consent of the cardholder for linking it with the merchants with whom (s)he had earlier registered the card.

6. The TSP shall put in place a mechanism to ensure that the transaction request has originated from the merchant and the token requestor with whom the token is associated.

7. All other provisions of the RBI circulars dated January 8, 2019 and August 25, 2021 shall be applicable.

8. The TSPs shall monitor and ensure compliance in this regard.

1 The term “device-based tokenisation” wherever used in this circular refers to card tokenisation framework laid down vide RBI circulars dated January 8, 2019 and August 25, 2021.

2 Token Service Provider (TSP) refers to the entity which tokenises the actual card credentials and de-tokenises them whenever required. Earlier only card networks were allowed to act as TSPs.

3 In this circular, the word “token” wherever used includes token reference number, card reference number or any other similar term.

4 The word “merchant” wherever used in this circular refers to the end-merchant. However, in case of an e-commerce marketplace entity, merchant refers to the said e-commerce entity. Further, token requestor and merchant may or may not be the same entity.



Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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April 14, 2015

Dear All

Welcome to the refurbished site of the Reserve Bank of India.

The two most important features of the site are: One, in addition to the default site, the refurbished site also has all the information bifurcated functionwise; two, a much improved search – well, at least we think so but you be the judge.

With this makeover, we also take a small step into social media. We will now use Twitter (albeit one way) to send out alerts on the announcements we make and YouTube to place in public domain our press conferences, interviews of our top management, events, such as, town halls and of course, some films aimed at consumer literacy.

The site can be accessed through most browsers and devices; it also meets accessibility standards.

Please save the url of the refurbished site in your favourites as we will give up the existing site shortly and register or re-register yourselves for receiving RSS feeds for uninterrupted alerts from the Reserve Bank.

Do feel free to give us your feedback by clicking on the feedback button on the right hand corner of the refurbished site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Department of Communication

Reserve Bank of India




Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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DCM (CC) No.97527/03.41.01/2021-22

August 27, 2021

The Chairman / Managing Director &
Chief Executive Officer
(All Scheduled Commercial banks including RRBs)

Madam / Dear Sir,

Review of incentive and other measures to enhance distribution of coins

Please refer to our Master Direction DCM (CC) No.G-2/03.41.01/2021-22 dated April 01, 2021 on “Currency Distribution & Exchange Scheme (CDES)” for bank branches including currency chests which inter alia, provides for financial incentives of ₹25 per bag to banks for distribution of coins over the counter.

2. Keeping in view the overall objectives of Clean Note policy and to ensure that all bank branches provide better customer service to members of public with regard to exchange of notes and distribution of coins, the afore-said Scheme has since been reviewed and it has now been decided to revise the incentive being paid to the banks for distribution of coins with a major thrust on alternate avenues so as to extend the outreach. Accordingly, paragraph 2 (Incentives) Sl.No. (iii) stands revised as follows:

a) Revised scheme of incentive for distribution of coins

(i) With effect from September 01, 2021, an incentive of ₹65/- per bag for distribution of coins (instead of ₹25/- as earlier) will be paid on the basis of net withdrawal from currency chest (CCs), without waiting for claims from banks. Currency chest branch will have to pass on the incentive to the linked bank/branches for coins distributed by them on a pro-rata basis within one week from the receipt of incentives from RBI.

(ii) An additional incentive of ₹10/- per bag would be paid for coin distribution in rural and semi-urban areas on the submission of a CA / Auditor certificate to this effect.

(iii) The distribution of coins shall also be verified by RBI Regional Offices during inspection of currency chest/incognito visit to branches etc.

b) Banks to provide coins to bulk customers

Further, in terms of Paragraph 2, Sl. No. (iii) (iii) of circular ibid, banks were instructed to put in place a system of checks and balances so as to ensure that coins are distributed to retail customers in small lots and not to bulk customers.

On a review, with a view to meet the coin requirements of bulk customers (requirement of more than 1 bag in a single transaction) banks are advised to provide coins to such customers purely for business transactions. The banks may also endeavour to provide such services as part of their Board approved policy on ‘Door Step Banking’ services. Such customers should be KYC compliant constituents of the bank and the record of coins supplied should be maintained. Banks are advised to exercise due diligence to ensure that such facility is not misused.

Disbursement of coins to retail customers through counters of bank branches shall continue as hitherto.

c) Engaging Business Correspondents (BCs) for distribution of coins

Attention is invited to circulars DBOD.No.BAPD.BC.46/22.01.009/2013-14 dated September 2, 2013 and DCM (Plg) No. G 12 /10.65.03/2013-14 dated September 10, 2013, permitting banks to include distribution of coins and banknotes in the scope of activities undertaken by BCs and explore the possibility of enlisting their service for carrying out various currency management functions while addressing the last mile connectivity issues.

In this context, it is reiterated that banks should enhance the engagement of their BCs for distribution of coins to public and may also incentivise such activities as per their Board approved policy.

To ensure steady supply of coins to bulk customers and BCs for onward distribution, all banks may ensure that each of their branches maintains a minimum stock of one bag of coins in each denomination.

d) Engaging Cash in Transit (CIT) entities for distribution of coins

Attention is also invited to circular DCM (Plg) No. G – 14/10.65.03/2013-14 dated October 10, 2013 on Monetary Policy Statement for 2013-14 – Distribution of Banknotes and Coins – Alternative Avenues wherein banks were advised to explore the possibility of engaging the services of CIT entities for the purpose of distribution of banknotes and coins. It is reiterated that banks may engage CIT entities to further enhance distribution of coins to public.

3. Implementation of coin distribution measures may be commented upon by officers deputed to undertake bi-monthly and half-yearly verification as a part of internal control and supervision by the currency chest maintaining bank.

4. Senior Officers of banks on visits to currency chests and branches may be advised to specifically comment on the implementation of the above measures in their visit reports.

5. Please acknowledge receipt.

Yours faithfully,

(Subrata Das)
Chief General Manager-in-Charge



Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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April 14, 2015

Dear All

Welcome to the refurbished site of the Reserve Bank of India.

The two most important features of the site are: One, in addition to the default site, the refurbished site also has all the information bifurcated functionwise; two, a much improved search – well, at least we think so but you be the judge.

With this makeover, we also take a small step into social media. We will now use Twitter (albeit one way) to send out alerts on the announcements we make and YouTube to place in public domain our press conferences, interviews of our top management, events, such as, town halls and of course, some films aimed at consumer literacy.

The site can be accessed through most browsers and devices; it also meets accessibility standards.

Please save the url of the refurbished site in your favourites as we will give up the existing site shortly and register or re-register yourselves for receiving RSS feeds for uninterrupted alerts from the Reserve Bank.

Do feel free to give us your feedback by clicking on the feedback button on the right hand corner of the refurbished site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Department of Communication

Reserve Bank of India




Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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August 24, 2021

The Chairman / Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
All Lead Banks

Madam/ Dear Sir,

Formation of new district in the State of Punjab –
Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility

The Government of Punjab vide Gazette Notification No.7767 dated June 10, 2021 had notified the formation of a new district in the State of Punjab. It has been decided to assign the lead bank responsibility of the new district as under:

Newly Carved District Erstwhile District Sub-Division/ Tehsil under newly created District Lead Bank Responsibility assigned to District Working Code allotted to new district
1 Malerkotla Sangrur Malerkotla Amargarh and Ahemedgarh State Bank of India 00T (to be read as “zero zero T”)

2. Further, the District Working Code of the new district has also been allotted for the purpose of BSR reporting by banks.

3. There is no change in the lead bank responsibilities of the erstwhile district and of other districts in the State of Punjab.

Yours faithfully,

(Sonali Sen Gupta)
Chief General Manager-in-Charge



Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.12

August 19, 2021

All Category – I Authorised Dealer Banks


Exim Bank’s Government of India supported Line of Credit (LoC) of
USD 20.51 million to the Government of the Republic of Guinea

Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has entered into an agreement dated September 29, 2020 with the Government of the Republic of Guinea, for making available to the latter, Government of India supported Line of Credit (LoC) of USD 20,506,000 (USD Twenty Million, Five Hundred Six Thousand only) for the purpose of financing the project for construction and up-gradation of Regional Hospitals in Kankan and Nzerekore, in the Republic of Guinea. Under the arrangement, financing of export of eligible goods and services from India, as defined under the agreement, would be allowed subject to their being eligible for export under the Foreign Trade Policy of the Government of India and whose purchase may be agreed to be financed by the Exim Bank under this agreement. Out of the total credit by Exim Bank under the agreement, goods, works and services of the value of at least 75 per cent of the contract price shall be supplied by the seller from India, and the remaining 25 per cent of goods and services may be procured by the seller for the purpose of the eligible contract from outside India.

2. The Agreement under the LoC is effective from August 11, 2021. Under the LoC, the terminal utilization period is 60 months from the scheduled completion date of the project.

3. Shipments under the LoC shall be declared in Export Declaration Form as per instructions issued by the Reserve Bank from time to time.

4. No agency commission is payable for export under the above LoC. However, if required, the exporter may use his own resources or utilize balances in his Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency Account for payment of commission in free foreign exchange. Authorised Dealer (AD) Category- I banks may allow such remittance after realization of full eligible value of export subject to compliance with the extant instructions for payment of agency commission.

5. AD Category – I banks may bring the contents of this circular to the notice of their exporter constituents and advise them to obtain complete details of the LoC from the Exim Bank’s office at Centre One, Floor 21, World Trade Centre Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005 or from their website

6. The directions contained in this circular have been issued under section 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999 (42 of 1999) and are without prejudice to permissions/ approvals, if any, required under any other law.

Yours faithfully

(R. S. Amar)
Chief General Manager



Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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April 14, 2015

Dear All

Welcome to the refurbished site of the Reserve Bank of India.

The two most important features of the site are: One, in addition to the default site, the refurbished site also has all the information bifurcated functionwise; two, a much improved search – well, at least we think so but you be the judge.

With this makeover, we also take a small step into social media. We will now use Twitter (albeit one way) to send out alerts on the announcements we make and YouTube to place in public domain our press conferences, interviews of our top management, events, such as, town halls and of course, some films aimed at consumer literacy.

The site can be accessed through most browsers and devices; it also meets accessibility standards.

Please save the url of the refurbished site in your favourites as we will give up the existing site shortly and register or re-register yourselves for receiving RSS feeds for uninterrupted alerts from the Reserve Bank.

Do feel free to give us your feedback by clicking on the feedback button on the right hand corner of the refurbished site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Department of Communication

Reserve Bank of India




Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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April 14, 2015

Dear All

Welcome to the refurbished site of the Reserve Bank of India.

The two most important features of the site are: One, in addition to the default site, the refurbished site also has all the information bifurcated functionwise; two, a much improved search – well, at least we think so but you be the judge.

With this makeover, we also take a small step into social media. We will now use Twitter (albeit one way) to send out alerts on the announcements we make and YouTube to place in public domain our press conferences, interviews of our top management, events, such as, town halls and of course, some films aimed at consumer literacy.

The site can be accessed through most browsers and devices; it also meets accessibility standards.

Please save the url of the refurbished site in your favourites as we will give up the existing site shortly and register or re-register yourselves for receiving RSS feeds for uninterrupted alerts from the Reserve Bank.

Do feel free to give us your feedback by clicking on the feedback button on the right hand corner of the refurbished site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Department of Communication

Reserve Bank of India




Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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DCM (RMMT) No.S153/11.01.01/2021-22

August 10, 2021

The Chairman /
Managing Director & CEO
All Banks

Dear Sir / Madam,

Monitoring of Availability of Cash in ATMs

As you are aware, the Reserve Bank of India has a mandate to issue banknotes and the banks are fulfilling this mandate by dispensing banknotes to the public through their wide network of branches and ATMs. In this connection, a review of downtime of ATMs due to cash-outs was undertaken and it was observed that ATM operations affected by cash-outs lead to non-availability of cash and cause avoidable inconvenience to the members of the public.

2. It has, therefore, been decided that the banks/ White Label ATM Operators (WLAOs) shall strengthen their systems/ mechanisms to monitor availability of cash in ATMs and ensure timely replenishment to avoid cash-outs. Any non-compliance in this regard shall be viewed seriously and shall attract monetary penalty as stipulated in the “Scheme of Penalty for non-replenishment of ATMs” in the Annex. The Scheme shall be effective from October 01, 2021.

Yours faithfully,

(Subrata Das)
Chief General Manager-in-Charge

Encl: As above


Scheme of Penalty for non-replenishment of ATMs

Objective of the Scheme

The Scheme of Penalty for non-replenishment of ATMs has been formulated to ensure that sufficient cash is available to public through ATMs.

Effective Date

The Scheme shall be effective from October 01, 2021. Therefore, banks/ WLAOs should put in place a robust system for monitoring the availability of cash in ATMs and ensure timely replenishment to avoid cash-outs.

Condition for counting instances of cash-outs in an ATM

When the customer is not able to withdraw cash due to non-availability of cash in a particular ATM.


Banks shall submit system generated statement on downtime of ATMs due to non- replenishment of cash to the Issue Department of RBI under whose jurisdiction these ATMs are located. In case of WLAOs, the banks which are meeting their cash requirement shall furnish a separate statement on behalf of WLAOs on cash-out of such ATMs due to non-replenishment of cash. Such statements shall be submitted for every month within five days of the following month i.e., first such statement for the month of October 2021 shall be submitted on or before November 05, 2021 to the Issue Department concerned.

Quantum of Penalty

Cash-out at any ATM of more than ten hours in a month will attract a flat penalty of ₹ 10,000/- per ATM. In case of White Label ATMs (WLAs), the penalty would be charged to the bank which is meeting the cash requirement of that particular WLA. The bank, may, at its discretion, recover the penalty from the WLA operator.

Administration of the Scheme

The Scheme of Penalty will be administered by Issue Departments of the Regional Offices of the Bank. The Competent Authority to impose penalty will be the Officer-in-Charge of the Issue Department of the Regional Office under whose jurisdiction the ATMs are located. Appeal against the decision of the Competent Authority, if required, may be made by the banks/ WLAOs to the Regional Director/Officer-in-Charge of the Regional Office concerned, within one month from the date of imposition of penalty. As the intention of the Scheme is to ensure replenishment of ATMs in time, appeals would be considered only in cases of genuine reasons beyond the control of bank/ WLAOs such as, imposition of lockdown by the State/ Administrative authorities, strike, etc.



Reserve Bank of India – Notifications


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April 14, 2015

Dear All

Welcome to the refurbished site of the Reserve Bank of India.

The two most important features of the site are: One, in addition to the default site, the refurbished site also has all the information bifurcated functionwise; two, a much improved search – well, at least we think so but you be the judge.

With this makeover, we also take a small step into social media. We will now use Twitter (albeit one way) to send out alerts on the announcements we make and YouTube to place in public domain our press conferences, interviews of our top management, events, such as, town halls and of course, some films aimed at consumer literacy.

The site can be accessed through most browsers and devices; it also meets accessibility standards.

Please save the url of the refurbished site in your favourites as we will give up the existing site shortly and register or re-register yourselves for receiving RSS feeds for uninterrupted alerts from the Reserve Bank.

Do feel free to give us your feedback by clicking on the feedback button on the right hand corner of the refurbished site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Department of Communication

Reserve Bank of India




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